written by Joanne Fromes and Peter John Ross
directed by Peter John Ross
produced by John Fromes
cinematography by Scott Spears
assistant director - Rachel Hanna
key grip - Derek Rimelspach
art director - Leyna Haller
graphic design - TJ Cooley
Relationship Card™ ® © from Peter John Ross on Vimeo.
ACTING FOR FILM SCENE STUDY - Acting Fundamentals for stage and film Wednesdays beginning September 16, 2009 7:00pm-9:30pm $200. This eight-week course offers a focused introduction to the acting process. Beginning actors work, stage, and shoot several film scenes during the eight-week session. We work in depth on concepts central to the actor's role development for film.
ADVANCED ACTING FOR FILM - Tuesdays beginning September 15, 2009 7:00pm-9:30pm $200. Here is your opportunity to take on more challenging scenes. To work with people who are serious about the work. This is an on-going class designed to stretch your skills. Actors work, stage, and shoot several film scenes during the eight-week session. Scripts from soaps, sitcoms, dramatic TV and film are used.